A Chicago Photo

A Chicago Photo

Saturday, January 14, 2012

And we're going for round 2.5

I was told that I should re-start my blog that began during my third year of PT school. It had a slight resurrection after Ross and I moved to the Chicagoland, hence the .5. Ross and I don't lead the most fascinating lives, but we will do our best. This blogging thing is popular amongst our friends with kids, but we are not going to have a baby. Again, we are not having a baby.

So here goes...

Ross loves being a second year teacher. I like being married to a second year teacher. We do awesome things like watch Netflix and eat M&Ms. Sometimes we head into the city of Chicago, which is usually great for me and the source of many complaints from Ross. Lately we have been into chaperoning middle school events at church and school, which result in late nights and free pizza. So I guess we do lead a pretty good life. Now we are just waiting for the snow to accumulate enough for snowshoeing, or melt enough for running outside.

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