A Chicago Photo

A Chicago Photo

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So I am not good at updating this blog thing, but I will try. Today was another school PT day for me (Tues and Thurs)--and today was a bit crazy. When the PTA and I arrived at the school, there were several kids and teachers outside the classrooms having conversations regarding appropriate behavior. One kid was even rolling around on the ground. I guess we should have realized from the beginning that today would not be a good listening day. The first boy was out sick, so we were able to delay the inevitable. The next two boys were off the wall--kicking any equipment within reach, running around, not listening to directions--and in no way ready to be assessed with part of the BOT-2. The afternoon kids were also a bit hard to control, but could be somewhat reined in.

Yesterday was a good day at the clinic. On Wednesdays, I'll accompany one of the PTs up to the high school. The school has had budget cuts and cannot afford an athletic trainer, so the PT volunteers her time. Athletes can come in to get injuries checked on, and some may then request a doctor's orders for PT at the clinic. This week was the beginning of playoffs, so no one wants to be injured. The only kid that showed up wanted a basketball out of the bin in the training room. Earlier in the day, we met with another chiropractor in town (interesting in and of itself because of the distrust and competition between the professions) regarding a possible working relationship. The chiropractor has her undergrad in athletic training, masters in PT (though she never took the test to become licensed) and then she got her doctor of chiropractic. Along the way she picked up two other bachelors degrees and is working on a diplomat (chiro certification) in pediatrics and has plans to pursue a diplomat in nutrition. I felt increasingly unmotivated as I listened to her. She had some nice equipment in her office, like an x-ray machine and a foot scanner to make soft orthotics. The foot scanning part was my favorite, but I am still a bit wary of it. I had no idea that chiropractors are required to have the same rotations as MDs... she told us about her OB-GYN rotation and her surgical rotation. I guess they have additional radiology beyond what the MDs have. It was a very informative lunch hour.

I took some pictures today of the two harbors of Two Harbors, so hopefully I can figure out how to get them loaded. And then hopefully I will be better at updating this blog.

1 comment:

alita said...

hi !! i like the last photo it´s wonderful :)