A Chicago Photo

A Chicago Photo

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A hectic week...

I know it is only Wednesday, but I feel like this week has been crazy... I have done quite a bit of driving around, which is probably contributing to that. I've had some great opportunities within the schools (hence the driving) to participate in IEP/eval meetings and various testing procedures. I was able to do more testing with the BOT and the Peabody. Tomorrow I have another IEP/eval meeting. At the eval meeting on Tuesday, I was able to speak with the parents regarding the results of their son's gross motor testing. I really enjoyed being able to participate on that level. It was also fascinating to listen to the other professionals and what their testing and observations had shown. I am glad I picked PT as my profession, but sometimes I really like the sensory world of OT. The little guy discussed on Tuesday has some significant visual issues and has difficulty tracking objects and paying attention in a visually stimulating environment. He does some work with the Minnesota Vision Institute (or something like that) in the Cities, and I liked hearing about his exercises that he does to improve his vision. Poor vision can easily contribute to poor gross motor skills, and learning about those deficits helped explain what we found in PT. Today I stopped in the special ed classroom to pick up another boy for the Peabody testing, and the boy discussed on Tuesday saw me and got all excited because he wants the PT and I to come for him. Then he had to ammend his statement and say that we had to come next week because he would be gone tomorrow. And that is why I like working with kids. Ask me again tomorrow, though because behavior can change that statement...

As for life in the clinic, I have done a few more evals and have taken a few more patients on my caseload. Some of that was interrupted with the running around for the school evals and meetings, but hopefully I can pick that up again on Friday and next week. I can't believe that I have only one more month left up in Two Harbors! It's gone by quickly. I feel like I am learning a lot and now I just have to reinforce it with studying at home. Unfortunately things like updating my blog interrupt those plans... One of the patients that I will hopefully be treating is post knee replacement, so it's interesting to see a patient starting outpatient PT for treatment because I deal with a lot of knee replacement patients at the hospital on the weekends.

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