A Chicago Photo

A Chicago Photo

Monday, October 27, 2008

And so it begins...

This morning as I went out to my car to head to the clinic, I realized it is now the time of year where I need to get up earlier in order to leave me enough time to warm up my car. Last night it rained and then froze, so all four doors of my car were frozen shut this morning. Usually only two of the doors will freeze shut depending upon the direction of the wind, but I guess this is my introduction to life on the Northshore... and it's still only October!

Today I attended two info/marketing sessions with a PT at an elementary school. We (meaning mostly "she") talked with the kids in the class in the morning about what a PT does and also had to redirect them back to physical therapy because they went off on tangets about carnivals and Halloween costumes. We did a few activities with the kids and could target a few kids that might warrant watching over the course of this school year because of possible motor delays. It's amazing how you can get a picture of development through hopping, jumping, and bear walking. Then tonight I went back to the school for an early childhood family education event and talked with the parents about posture and positioning for babies to encourage muscle development. It was interesting. The PT also addressed strengthening for the parents and how to incorporate strengthening exercises into daily life (ie. squatting while holding a child, lifting the child into the air, slowing down stair climbing).

In the clinic today, I saw taping for patellofemoral pain, a few patients with shoulder problems, a patient with some lymph swelling after removal of cancer, and an interesting case of hip pain. I wish my brain was better organized to keep up with it all, but it is a learning process.

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